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Unity and popularity of Karate showcased at WKF World Congress

Unity and popularity of Karate showcased at WKF World Congress





Unity and popularity of Karate showcased at WKF World Congress


Unity and popularity of Karate showcased at WKF World Congress
Key decisions for the future of Karate were taken Tuesday at the 2022 WKF World Congress in Konya (Turkiye). The unity and tremendous growth of Karate globally were highlighted at the plenary session.

No less than 107 National Federations gathered today in Konya for the elective edition of the WKF World Congress. Mr Antonio Espinós was re-elected as President of the WKF for the period 2022-2028 by unanimous decision after receiving 94 of the 99 available votes by secret ballot.

The delegates approved the election of the new Executive Committee of the WKF by secret vote. The decision-making body of the WKF is now formed by the following members:

Ibrahim Al Gannas (KSA)
Naser Alrazooqi (UAE)
Toshihisa Nagura (JPN)
Mohammad Al Rustam Tun Seri Setia (MAS)
Davide Benetello (ITA)
Davor Cipek (CRO)
Michael Dinsdale (GBR)
Antonio Moreno (ESP)
Gunnar Nordahl (NOR)
Wolfgang Weigert (GER)
José García-Maañón (ARG)
José Antonio Méndez (PUR)
Craig Vokey (CAN)
Bechir Cherif (TUN)
Souleymane Gaye (SEN)
Mohamed Tahar Mesbahi (ALG)
Makarita Lenoa (FIJ)

The Congress decided the permanent disaffiliation of the Norwegian Martial Arts Federation, and approved the permanent affiliation of the Norwegian Karate Federation, the Karate Federation of the Solomon Islands, the Barbados Karate Federation, and the National Federation of the DPR Korea.

The progress report of the 2022 World Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships, updates on the WKF Strategic Planning for the period 2023-2025, presentations of the Sports and Para-Karate Commissions.

Karate’s plenary session ratified the decision to allocate the 2024 World Team Championships to the city of Pamplona in Spain. Regarding upcoming events, updates on the 2023 WKF Youth Camp & Cup in Porec (Croatia), the 2023 World Senior Championships in Budapest (Hungary), and the 2024 World Cadet, Junior & U21 Championships in Venice (Italy) were presented.


WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“Thank you for your support, for your enthusiasm and for your hard work. The WKF has a bright future ahead and I am sure that with your contribution and your unity, we will continue perpetuating the outstanding legacy of our sport.

“There is no other martial art more universal and more popular than Karate. What is more, Karate is life-changing. Karate has changed my life and I am sure that it has also changed the life of all of you here today. Karate is an activity for the whole life. Our new motto is Karate For Life. We should be proud of the sport we have and of the federation we have.”









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