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Regarding the Latest Developments in Gaza

Regarding the Latest Developments in Gaza

No: 51, 1 April 2024, Regarding the Latest Developments in Gaza





The images coming out of the Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip are proof of Israel’s attempt to deliberately and systematically destroy the Palestinian people.



The crimes committed by the Israeli authorities over the past six months are among the greatest barbarities in human history.

Those who have committed these crimes will be brought to justice, and the names of those who have condoned these crimes will be a black stain on the pages of history.

Israel violates human conscience and the law, and harms international peace and stability. The international community has an obligation to stop Israel.





The necessary action should be taken without delay to ensure the implementation of the latest UN Security Council resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, and the additional measures announced by the International Court of Justice.



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