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A word on the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation in Kirmanshah of Iran

A word on the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation in Kirmanshah of Iran.

A word on the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation in Kirmanshah of Iran

A word on the initiatives of the Leader of the Nation in Kirmanshah of Iran





On September 27, 2024, Ambassador of Tajikistan to Iran Nizomiddin Zohidi took part in the closing ceremony of the First International “Shahnama” Recitation Festival in the city of Kirmanshah of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


During his speech, the Ambassador, noting the great role of the Shahnameh in the history of the Aryan peoples, called it “an encyclopaedia of history and literature, wisdom and philosophy, culture and civilisation of our ancestors”, which, thanks to the literary genius of Firdavsi, was clothed in poetry and acclaimed as a masterpiece of Tajik and Persian literature and a fine example of eloquence.



The Ambassador emphasized the necessity of recognition of “Shahnama” for strengthening the national consciousness and historical identity of the Aryan peoples, recalling the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, H.E. Emomali Rahmon, to hold an annual competition “Reciting Shahnama” in Tajikistan and the role of this initiative in the recognition of Firdavsi’s masterpiece.



The participants of the ceremony met the news of another initiative of the Leader of the Nation – to publish “Shahnama” in a million copies and present a copy of this book to every Tajik family.

In the Kirmanshah competition, along with the readers of “Shahnama” of different ages from foreign countries, 5 young readers from Tajikistan also took part in a online form. One of these five readers, Muqaddas Mahkamzoda, became the winner in the nomination of young foreign readers of “Shahnama” and was awarded the corresponding prize of the competition.

The organisers of the competition announced the decision to make this competition an annual event and invite reciters of “Shahnama” from all interested countries in the region.


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