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“Youth for the Sake of the Green World” 5th summer Camp of Diaspora Youth

“Youth for the Sake of the Green World” 5th summer Camp of Diaspora Youth

“Youth for the Sake of the Green World” 5th summer Camp of Diaspora Youth


“Youth for the Sake of the Green World” 5th summer Camp of Diaspora Youth



5th Summer Camp of Diaspora Youth “Youth for the Sake of the Green World” will take place in Lachin, an ancient Azerbaijani land, from 1 to 7 August, 2024. State Committee on Work with Diaspora and Heydar Aliyev Foundation are co-organizers of the Camp.

More than 100 young people, including Azerbaijanis living abroad and the young members of the peoples having friendly attitude towards our country are expected to participate in the Camp.

Within a week, the participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the historical and cultural monuments of Lachin, as well as Karabakh, meet with members of the families of martyrs and our heroic veterans. The program will also include entertainment activities and participation in mind games.

Summer Camps are good opportunity for young people to strengthen ties with Azerbaijan, to improve their abilities to represent Azerbaijan, to boost networking skills and to make new friends.

We invite the Azerbaijanis living abroad and the youth of other nations having friendly attitude towards Azerbaijan to take part in Summer Camp of Diaspora Youth.

The youth between the ages 18-29, having good communication skills in Azerbaijani can apply for participation. The participants of the former summer camps cannot apply for the 5th Summer Camp. All expenditures of the participants will be fully covered.

The young people should fill out the form up to June 30, 2024 via the link . The selection process will be carried out on two stages: admission of applications and video-interviews.

It is important to check website regularly for additional information about registration process, program, selection process of participants.

For additional information you may contact:

Tel.: +99412 4931054

Mob.: WhatsApp: +99450 7622595

E-mail: [email protected]

It should be noted that Sheki, Shamakhi, Shusha and Nakhchivan cities hosted previous 4 Summer Camps of Diaspora Youth, which were jointly organized by the State Committee on Work with Diaspora and Heydar Aliyev Foundation. Hundreds of young people from more than 50 countries of the world participated in those camps.


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